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 Our Mission

  A Provider has multiple options to choose from for their billing needs, yet, often remains content with a single biller by way of a set notion that medical billing is a mechanized system void of genuine result oriented accountability.


  At FHIG, we are accountable to the provider we serve and our results verify it!  At least two specially trained coders review all claims before they are submitted, minimizing clearinghouse errors.  Should an appeal need to be submitted, it is done so as soon as we receive them from payers. As a result, our policies ensure that claims are moved through the adjudication process as quickly as possible, which has credited FHIG with an industry achieving rate of 97% collection within 90 days of submission and 95% within 60 days!


 The field of medical coding and billing is a highly complex and often evolving one. The requirements and rules governing coding change from year to year and the upcoming change to ICD10 only adds to the confusion.


  Keeping in mind the need of simplifying this complicated procedure for our clients, our staff  have spent countless hours preparing the back-end coding system for this forthcoming procedural change.  Our experience in consulting and preparing our clients for the Obama care mandates and protocols has prepared us to competently meet any statutory laws and regulations  implemented.


  Dr. Nasser Nasseri founded FHIG in 2010 as result of experiencing difficulties with the lack of accountability and due care widespread in the medical billing and coding industry.  At FHIG our coders are available around the clock to assist providers and their staff with all of their billing needs. Our coders are AAPC certified and specialize in surgical, orthopedic, primary, and sub-specialized practices.  We become more than just your biller; we become an extension of your practice!


Meet the Executive Team 



Dr. Nasseri is a board certified rheumatologist, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland Medical School Systems and Chariman of NCARD. He earned his Bachelor Degree in Clinical Laboratory Science from George Washington University and Medical Degree from Ross University.  

Tell: 410-744-4149

Fax: 410-744-4289



The Federal Healthcare Innovation Group. LLC 2010 -2024. All Rights Reserved    

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